Over a year ago, I gave a talk at the first Lifestyles Management meeting in Las Vegas. My presentation was on the science of weight loss via exercise. The results of my research were dim, esp for those who were wanting to believe the calories out part of the formula. Of course, not that peopleRead More
Fitness Blog
On Barefeet vs Shoes
the pseudo claims of running efficiency and injury prevention as regards barefoot running are based on some faulty anthropological observations, as i’ve said before. the essence of these claims is that mankind has been walking/running barefoot for millenia if not longer until hard-sole shoes came about this last millenia. prior to that, most foot wearRead More
Just to Blog
sometimes you just have to write something that comes to mind. i could easily share personal life issues that would bore you almost as readily is it bores me, but this blog is about fitness and the news is always coming thru a mile a minute. so let’s talk statistics – yes, that boring stuffRead More
So Much to Say, So Little Time
Typically, I read a great article, or two, or more, and feel compelled to write, either to share and expand or share and minimize. sometimes the article(s) in question are questionable – usually press-related summaries leave something to refute. Occasionally there’s just so much merit in these articles that I have to chime in andRead More
On the Interval Trail
It’s been real busy in my world, and that’s great. doing lots of training, doing lots of exercise etc programs, lots of travelling, and lots of reading. It would be good to get a lot more sleep but what can I say… l’ve been teaching several programs for ex etc on hi intensity training, somethingRead More
Feets Up….
sitting at a rest stop in maine, after a brief concentrated visit with my daughter at college up here, resting up before heading to the airport to ….rest up some more til my delayed flight comes in, i figured i’d take this time to do something constructive. not able, nor really willing to run anyRead More
“Take STEPS to take steps” ..
sometimes, you just can’t say it better yourself. so when i read this article, and then this subtitle, i had to pass it on…in its entirety. but first a bit of personal note. in 1986, when i was working in cahoots with my colleague to start a personal training center, i spent half the niteRead More
Kettlebells, Backs, and other Thoughts
two recent articles have come to light lately, highlighted by this article in the NY Times this week: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/26/turning-to-kettlebells-to-ease-… but both of the scientific ones are from a month or two ago, and i feel the need to comment on them. the reason is that i beieve any one exercise mode and any one exerciseRead More
The End of Exercise?
so i’m in the airport in colorado springs where i’d spent the weekend on a committee that’s designing a new certification for the NSCA: CSPS – certified special populations specialist. this is a cert that will test trainers’ knowledge of a vast array of special pops needs. if properly marketed, this should be good forRead More
Whole Body Vibration and Your Whole Body
linda melone, a fitness reporter, often calls me for guidance and ideas for articles she’s writing. this one -http://www.healthymagination.com/blog/shake-up-your-workouts-with-vibration-training/ – on whole body vibration (wbv), featured some of my comments on the science and my experiences with wbv. let me add some thoughts, tho. the science is not quite prescriptive enough to warrant jumping onRead More