I want to discuss fitness training guidance. Long has it been that “use it or lose it” and “no pain, no gain” have anchored exercise theology. They have been the mainstay for much of modern fitness training lore. Today we still say ‘use it or lose it’ but we now say ‘no strain, no gain’.Read More
Fit Happens – Winter 2019
Winter – or 30th Anniversary – 2019 Pillar 1: The Winter of Our Discontent In the summer of 1986, my colleague, Kathy Alexander, and I wondered what we would do once we finished our dissertations in exercise science at Vandy. At the time, there were very few options in that field: academia, hospital-based wellness andRead More
What is ‘Old’ and How Can One Procrastinate Aging?
The answer to the title question, “What is ‘Old’ and How Can One Procrastinate Aging”, is a timeless one. It’s as old as cognition itself. For the next step after old is dead and mankind has been trying to make sense of that once he and she realized he and she existed beyond the bodilyRead More
REAL News July 2018
July 2018 How Hard Do You Really NEED to Exercise? Many national and international health bodies have determined how much exercise one needs to live a healthy if not longer life. In general, the exercise prescription for health – not athletic fitness or weight loss – is to accumulate 150 minutes of moderate physical activityRead More
What’s the Best Workout for Boomers? Any Workout is Best
A NYT article last week posited the power of interval training to alter the mitochondrial genes in the elderly – aaargh, those over 64; that is, MY age – versus in younger exercisers. With an attention-grabbing title – The Best Exercise for Aging Muscles- the respected author, Gretchen Reynolds dug deep into salesmanship/saleswomanship/salespersonship to grabRead More
Are Sprints or HIIT The Way to Go?
Since Tabata and friends introduced the exercise modality everyone now calls Tabatas back in the late 90s, the fitness world has acted as if a brand new world has been revealed. And, to their credit, Tabata et al. did introduce a brand new concept to one element of the strength and conditioning world that fewRead More
Protein for Cardio Athletes, Not Just Strength Jocks
The prevalent theme in dietetics for athletics is more protein. And many studies have come out of late to support this meme even if not the extent such promoters as Cross Fit and other authors have. The general ADA guideline, even from the late 1970s when I was in grad school, was that people –Read More
So Much to Say, So Little Time
Typically, I read a great article, or two, or more, and feel compelled to write, either to share and expand or share and minimize. sometimes the article(s) in question are questionable – usually press-related summaries leave something to refute. Occasionally there’s just so much merit in these articles that I have to chime in andRead More