Whilst on vacation in Philadelphia visiting my daughter, Sophia, who’s studying at Penn to be a nurse practitioner, this article came to my email address. As usual, with Western science, reductionism grabs the agenda. That is, the search for the gene that makes people gain excess weight drives not just research but also Big Pharma.Read More
Genetics, Exercise, and You
All me, and women, are NOT created equal other than in their humanity. You heard it here, first. By this I mean, we are equally human but do not have equal traits: smarts, looks, strengths, weaknesses, etc. as such, some of us will be “blessed” as measured by our cultural biases, socioeconomic needs, and otherRead More
Disease Prevention/Management
Fitness = wellness, or so it would seem. However, genetics, culture, and luck, can impact one’s wellness, too. Fortunately, tho, goals set a decade ago by a government health initiative, to get more people tested and treated for high blood pressure, is working: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/01/health/research/01pressure.html?ref=he… Obviously it would be better to prevent it than treat it,Read More