February 2025 The Gut-Brain Axis Concept and Frailty The concept of the gut microbiome has taken the healthcare and fitness world by storm. The biome is affected by lifestyle, including medications, diseases, diet, and exercise. It is thought to effect not just the body but the brain, and cognition in the elderly. Sarcopenia – theRead More
Diabetes, Puberty and Inflammation: Why Diet and Exercise is Medicine
Two articles bring to the forefront, again, what research is homing in on: that inflammation wreaks havoc beyond swelling, redness, and pain. The first, on how inflammation contributes to diabetes – and, by the way, how diabetes feeds into inflammation – comes from Health News Canal: Here we learn of an apparent linkage of bodyRead More
More Healthy News
This article discusses research that shows weight loss reduces pro-inflammatory events and substances that contribute to heart disease: http://www.healthcanal.com/immune-system/7192.html What’s cool about the study is that it also demonstrates that fat, your personal body fat, may be a better predictor of how well you’ll lose weight if you have bariatric surgery, but who knows? MaybeRead More