Brain Games May Not Be as Efficient as Exercise We’ve all experienced it – starting a sentence, seeing a face, walking into a room, writing a blog…and then forgetting what we were going to say, what is the name, why did we go there, what to write. Aging is not all about forgetting but there’sRead More
Fitness Blog
Walking in Wellness into Your Waning Years
We have all read and heard and watched exercise and medical professionals espouse the benefits of exercise. We have all heard about how being fit reduces your risk of many diseases – heart, brain, musculoskeletal, etc – and that the sooner you get to it, the better off you’ll be. But what about getting toRead More
Less Sleep + More Fat = Less Body Fat?
In many of my blog posts and FB posts, I share the latest thoughts and research on weight management with one primary focus at heart: that keeping weight off is easier than losing it. I have discussed ad nauseam the Mediterranean Diet, low carbs-high protein diets, and the roles exercise of various types – resistanceRead More
Picking Insurance is Secondary Compared to Taking Care of Your Self
The ACA, or Obamacare, is a federal attempt to provide easy shopping for health insurance plans on what are called exchanges. While the effort to make it easier to shop and compare plans is valiant, it’s still not that easy to make a decision what with all the variables one has to considerRead More
Athletic Injuries: When the Past Predicts the Future
I remember my first class in Psych 101 (or was it 100?) in 1970 at Vanderbilt. Dr Tapp, I believe, said psychology was based on the premise that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. So by studying a person’s past we can more readily predict his future. And so it is withRead More
Could Fidgeting Lead to Healthier Blood Vessels?
I hope so, because my dad used to ask me at dinner if I was nervous – my leg was always bouncing up and down. But then, as I aged my legs, vein-y and muscular from training and conditioning, started looking like my grandpa’s – vein-y and muscular. And hairless. And they needed some veinRead More
If Exercise Helps the Brain, Not Exercising Hurts It, Maybe
Many studies over the past few years have expounded on the value of exercise in terms of mental, cognitive and emotional health. From fending off depression, improving executive function, reducing your risk of dementia and maybe Alzheimer’s, maintaining cardio fitness – and even strength – has been shown effective, not just during the post-workout periodRead More
Diet Pills, Pilloried or Not
Diet is a word describing the types of food one eats. Dieting, on the other hand, tends to describe the kinds of foods you don’t eat, usually to lose weight. To say you are on a diet is to say you are dieting, for unless you don’t eat at all, if you are eating anything,Read More
A Dummy’s Guide to the Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Here’s a simple, short and accurate description of the differences between the two types of diabetes. Many are confused about this so it’s worth knowing, and worth understand-ing that Type 1 is a disease of the metabolic system. Usually affecting people younger than 30 – formerly referred to as Juvenile Diabetes because it oftenRead More
Which Comes First – the Excess Weight or a Dysfunctional Immune System?
There is a fairly new and widely-believed current of thought that many lifestyle diseases – heart, metabolic, cancers, even obesity itself – are related to if not caused by excess inflammation. And inflammation is a challenge to the immune system which is supposed to fight it. But what if immune system dysfunction causes obesity orRead More