I’ve been real busy lately, so I have not taken time to blog. Today my oldest daughter, Lydia, graduated high school after many grueling years of late nights and drama. Off to college next fall – Bates, in Maine – and independence, a phase I hope she finds every bit as enjoyable as the oneRead More
Fitness Blog
The Pain and Pleasure of Exercise
An interesting article in the Times debated, or better still explicated, the contention many athletic and competitive people make when they say they love exercising through the pain. It concludes that pain, as some describe it, is not really pain as our nervous system might describe it: One Runner’s Suffering Is Another’s Inspiration Having trainedRead More
Mind vs body, or mind & body…or mind BECAUSE of body? Those are the questions. Whether tis nobler to develop the brain whilst allowing the body to rot from the inside out; or to develop the body and let the brain evolve into a way station from hedonistic and/or athletic purposes; or to enable theRead More
Cardio Intensity, Calorie Burning, and You
There is enough data and now enough publicity out there to make you think you should don your old cleats and hit the track hard to get in shape, burn calories, and reduce belly fat. yes, those daunted wind sprints, today called intervals, are back chasing the aging process and all its co-morbidities. however, likeRead More
Core Exercise and Athletic Injury
I’ve been real busy of late so while I’ve kept up my readings, I have not kept up my blogging. Fortunately, tho, I came across this piece in the NY Times: Vexing Rise in Oblique Injuries, and Little Explanation I say fortunately because we in the fitness world, as this article alludes to, believe thatRead More
Genetics, Exercise, and You
All me, and women, are NOT created equal other than in their humanity. You heard it here, first. By this I mean, we are equally human but do not have equal traits: smarts, looks, strengths, weaknesses, etc. as such, some of us will be “blessed” as measured by our cultural biases, socioeconomic needs, and otherRead More
On Health and Health Care
The mckinsey quarterly report, an on line economics think-tank-like publication, comes from an economics/business perspective and articles deal with everything from banking to investing to market dynamics….to health care. Why not? That’s the fastest growing expense in our and the world’s economies. In the US, we spend about 16+% of our GDP on health care,Read More
On Barefoot Running Mechanics
Barefoot running – I’ve been here before. The science is coming on stronger and stronger, tho not necessarily suggesting that we all toss our nikes in the trash. However, clearly there are biomechanical adjustments we make when we put our feet in thickened soled shoes. For one thing, we land harder on that part ofRead More
News to You’s Guys
Being from Philly, I had to adapt some of my dialect once I settled in nashville 41 yrs ago. for one thing, I stopped referring to the fuel you put in cars as ‘gaz’ since someone pointed out that it’s spelled ‘gas’. For another, ya’ll is a better way to pluralize you compared to you’sRead More
Vitamin D….Again?
It seems that science is a very inexact…science. not too long ago, I posted some of the latest info, from newspaper review, of vitamin D requirements based on a large body of studies reviewed by experts. seems the numbers just keep getting more confusing – not too much, just this amount, no more than thatRead More