Fit Happens Aging Starts….and Ends at the Ankles It is not often that I am willing to take a stand on something as broad and as complex as the aging process. For one thing, at age 63, I’m not quite ready to assert that I’ve even begun the process. Sure, a few aches and painsRead More
musculoskeletal improvements
Why Fitness – and Exercise – Training is STRONGLY Recommended
Of course, you’d expect a fitness specialist, a personal trainer, and an exercise scientist to promote the regularity and consistency of exercise and fitness practices for overall health and well-being. Of course, that’s what I do all day. But sometimes the research is just so damn compelling that not sharing it would be like withholdingRead More
Protein Needs Ramp Up as You Slow Down
Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter is a monthly that offers the best and most current nutrition science available. For those who are into alternative health news, especially alternative nutritional guidance, Tufts is the “establishment”. For the rest of us, though, where science is more important than conjecture based on some less-than-ideal reading of the literature,Read More
Does Your Child’s Obesity Start with In Utero Appetite Hormones?
Here’s some intriguing new research that shows a kid’s hormones at birth may lead to higher risk of obesity when they get older. One of the latest – say, over a decade now – areas of research into obesity is to look at the role of hormones associated with appetite and hunger. Leptin, a brainRead More