I won’t get too technical here, esp since I’m not ensconced in the science of scientific research. As one educated and moderately well read in the science of exercise and wellness, I may be able to offer some guidance that will make this stuff make some sense. First, let me share the stimulus for thisRead More
Fitness Blog
Summer Break?
It’s always less busy in the gym during the summers so it’s a good time to test the waters. That is, to see what else is out there. Before I do, let me share my philosophy about fitness, exercise, and related issues. It is my opinion that anyone who trains their body with physical activityRead More
The Busyness Trap
Who hasn’t made the claim – I’m just too busy to do xxxx? Even my kids, out of school for the summer with no real job other than a few babysitting gigs, are just too busy to do xxxx, or too tired to do it, whatever it is – like look for a job, readRead More
on food and running long
Most of my blogs pertain to wt management, and calories count, but protein helps, too, but today I want to comment on this piece in the NYTimes – http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/20/can-athletes-perform-well-on-a-… The issue of vegetarianism/veganism in sport has come around over the past 40 years as long distance running and cycling have increased in popularity. When IRead More
how much is too much, or too little
Exercise prescription has changed over the 30 plus years since I first studied it in grad school. This latest article, from research presented at the ACSM annual meeting, highlights a return to sanity: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/06/moderation-as-the-sweet-spot-fo…That’s not to say you can’t or shouldn’t do more. In fact, with the emphasis on hi intensity training, about which I’veRead More
Thoughts on depression, and depressing thoughts
This article, from a study in Great Britain, describes what some might conclude is depressing news: that the addition of an exercise component to a treatment process for depression does not yield any better results than treatment for depression alone: http://www.healthcanal.com/mental-health-behavior/29896-Physical-Activit… utm_campaign=Feed%3A+healthnewshc%2FOxfp+%28Health+News+from+HealthCanal.com%29 Now, in all fairness, this is a well done study with a largeRead More
marathon running, death, and graduating seniors
As the title suggests, this is the musing of a fitness pro on the recent – actually, today’s – graduation of his second daughter, third child, and last child from high school. with one already living on his own in Los Angeles, another having just completed her first year of college at Bates, and willRead More
A different way to look at obesity
In the NY Times today, there was a provocative article about the application of applied mathematics to the obesity crisis: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/15/science/a-mathematical-challenge-to-ob… Carson C. Chow , an investigator at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, is interviewed here discussing his work in the arena. What he’s found is two things that don’tRead More
fitness, jogging, happiness…and death
did i catch your attention? death usually does. inspired by the concluding line of this article – http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/EuroPRevent/32513 – the statistic is astounding if true. 122 deaths among joggers vs over 10,000 among non-joggers!. of course, it depends on how many were in each group and the article about the study was unclear on thatRead More
on a new way to discuss weight and health
here’s the article – http://www.healthcanal.com/metabolic-problems/28641-new-approach-obesity…. now here’s my thoughts: RIGHT ON! why? obviously, if you’ve read my other postings. it’s a combination of something must be done but incremental changes without going over the top are more apt to be acceptable by the medical community, the public health community, the psychotherapeutic community, and the publicRead More