This chart, from the McKinsey Quarterly, a free, on-line business resource, demonstrates the real and devastating costs of obesity in america. as the article points out, these costs are rising world-wide: I have written much on obesity, some to the dismay of my colleagues with the EDCT. nonetheless, since each person’s weight issue isRead More
Fitness Blog
Obesity, Kids, and School Lunches
Should the State dictate what you eat? nope. but if it’s paying for it, it has the right to lay out a menu that it believes is better for you than menus we know are unhealthy and promote obesity. hence, when I read this in the Times: Childhood: Obesity and School Lunches – I feltRead More
Whole Body Vibration, Bones….and FAT!!!
Wow, this changes the discussion: Phys Ed: More Bone (and Less Fat) Through Exercise Yes, whole body vibration (WBV) has been in the states now for over a decade, a technology popularized by Powerplate but not proven by US standards as having utility until the research community started checking it out. (If you’d like aRead More
Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)
Maybe you’ve read about some famous athlete who touts the benefits of this newfangled medical technique – PRP. before this, you may have heard of athletes touting the benefits of prolotherapy. Maybe you’ve even tried one or both of these out for you chronic, nagging, overuse tendinopathy or what not. If so, let me knowRead More
Sprint to Faster and Maybe Better Health
Sprinting has been shown to improve all kinds of health and fitness parameters. here’s a recent commentary re a study that, again, supports the value of high intensity training: Now, before I go on and explain the pros and cons, let me provide a personal disclaimer: I don’t train like I used to butRead More
Wt Loss Via Newtonian and Einsteinian Physics
Dear Friends and Family, I may not have told you in this venue, but I will be teaching a one-evening class called Newton’s Laws of Weight Loss through the University School of Nashville Evening Class program. I’ll be taking a look at new science and old in the quest for weight loss to give youRead More
Running Shoe Type to Fit Your Foot Type
I’ve reported before on whether or not you should buy a running shoe to fit your foot type. The most recent studies simply do not support this idea. For one thing, analyzing a foot type, or how it performs when you run, is not as easy as looking at the sole of your shoe. tooRead More
Barefoot and Pregnant….With Questions
So the debate continues: is running barefoot better for you than running in shoes? Here’s an easy to read scientific review of the many facets of this issue:… In sum, it says that the sudden switch to barefoot running will most likely create a new, different set of orthopedic issues. By the same token,Read More
Alcohol and Exercise Consumption?
Here’s an article that stimulates absolutely no thought in my mind:… The essence is that exercise seems to stimulate rather than blunt alcohol consumption. Humans present one layer of evidence; mice, which we assume do not have social circumstances centered on alcohol consumption, also seem to thrill on alcohol intake if they are exercisers.Read More
Obesity, Brain Chemistry, and Choice
The search for clues as to why we americans are getting so fat over the past few decades stops at nothing. The other day I read about mice that were genetically altered to not be able to process certain fats and their brains told them to eat more. they got fat. duh! The scientists conjectureRead More