March 2025 Walking Economy & Preferred Gait Speed in the Aged Studies of gait have determined that even older runners use less of their plantar flexors – calf muscles – as they age compared to younger runners. To substitute, they use more of their hip flexors to swing their leg forward and their hip extensors/glutealsRead More
REAL News – December 2020
December 2020 What Makes Old Folks So Tight: Muscle-Tendon or Nerves We all lose flexibility as we age and we all need it every bit as much as we age. We have addressed some of these issues here, here, here and here. There are basically 4 sources of restrictions on range of motion (ROM):Read More
REAL News July 2017
July 2017 Old Feet and ACL Repairs Affect Balance Similarly What do the feet of older folks and those of athletes with torn anterior cruciate (ACL) have in common? The answer may solve health and sports science matters more than you’d imagine. Much of sports science deals with the musculoskeletal system but new infoRead More
Fit Happens Summer 2017
Summer 2017 Training Tenets Take Back Seat to Neurological Aging Every so often, a brilliant concept crops up in the exercise field that makes such intuitive sense we trainers just want to slap ourselves with glee. Thus, over the past 20 years or so, balance and agility training for the aging population has offered theRead More
Alzheimer’s Disease and Falling: A Neuro-Cognitive Disaster
A study from the University of Wisconsin asked why it is that those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) tend to have more and more catastrophic falls than other older people with no cognitive impairment. Suffering three times the rate of falls as age- and gender-adjusted peers, those with AD, which affects mental and memory function, areRead More
On Barefeet vs Shoes
the pseudo claims of running efficiency and injury prevention as regards barefoot running are based on some faulty anthropological observations, as i’ve said before. the essence of these claims is that mankind has been walking/running barefoot for millenia if not longer until hard-sole shoes came about this last millenia. prior to that, most foot wearRead More