The on-going debate on what is the best way to train your muscles for strength and/or size started in earnest back in the mid-1950s, about when Progressive Resistance Exercise (PRE) came into the lexicon. At the time multiple sets of multiple reps of a variety of exercises became the standard, with multiple yet to beRead More
resistance training
Big-Time Study Shows Strength Training for Seniors Makes Them Younger
Reported this month in Harvard’s Heart Letter (newsletter), Harvard’s Men’s Health Watch (newsletter) and UCLA’s Healthy Years (for aging-related health newsletter) are the results of a study published in the American Journal of Medicine declaring the value and benefits of resistance training for older adults. Focusing on a 3659-subject cohort from the National Health andRead More
How to Preserve Muscle Mass While Losing Fat Mass
What a boring topic, right? I mean, how many news pieces do you have to see on TV or read in mass media to find out what has been touted for at least 20 years now: Do resistance exercise (RT), or weight training, to keep muscles so your metabolism, both as you age as wellRead More
branding my brand
Inspired today by an article in the sunday NY Times about psychotherapists branding themselves with websites. This is done by changing the wording, and some of the offerings, about what they do. That is, instead of doing just therapy, consider doing life coaching, which can be done by phone or on line. To find aRead More
Aging and ‘Physiologic Reverse’
Maybe you think I’m afraid of aging because I cover it so often. The reality is, we’re all doing it so I find its processes and progressions quite fascinating. Kinda like following my newborns’ progressions via the many books my wives (two divorces, so I credit each of them) had bought so we could benchmarkRead More
Core Training in the Vertical World
This morning I got an email from a former colleague/trainer from Belmont University’s physical therapy department, Emily. She finished her degree a year or more ago and is living in Virginia I think. She wanted some info on core training for athletes – h.s. jocks – to whom she’s giving a presentation. Now, this isRead More
Aging Skin
Yesterday I met a once/yr client, a 50+ very fit, self-motivated to do cardio and resistance training (RT) on her own, who takes great pride in her petite, toned shape. She calls in every so oft for a new regimen, a new program, usually to get to her legs w/o building them up. Her weightRead More