Spring 2025 Exercise Certainty in Uncertain Times To understand a scientific article, you need to appreciate the distinction between correlation and causation. Correlation means that two events tend to occur together. As a co-relationship, something could explain part of the answer – larger muscles are stronger muscles – but not explain all of it. StrongerRead More
FIT Happens – Winter 2025
Winter 2025 Cardio Fitness for Body and Brain What’s a new year’s Winter Fit Happens without news about what’s happening in fitness news? And so it is that a timely article in the Washington Post (Jan. 8) intersects with some snow-weather reading I’ve been up to. A study from the British Journal of Sports MedicineRead More
REAL News – November 2022
November 2022 What Causes Muscle Cramps in Marathoners? The runner’s bane is muscle cramps, those painful, activity-stopping pains in side of the ribcage that come from nowhere. Even 70 years after the jogging craze hit, we’re still not sure why these happen. Years ago, one study tested the idea that it was fluid in theRead More
How Much Exercise Is Needed for a Long Life
A recent article on-line declares that researchers are homing in on what it called “the perfect amount of exercise for a longer life”. As you might imagine, reading beyond the headline could be grounds for, well, uh, for learning the secrets of longevity that Cortez was seeking 500 years ago. It turns out that twoRead More