Normally I take a more conservative stance on dieting for wt loss. That is, while I know it’s important to lose wt for the two-thirds of americans who are overwt or obese, I am sensitive to the wt loss mantra that pervades our society and has been over-used in the minds of some afflicted withRead More
weight loss
The 10% Rule of Running
There’s a standard exercise prescription in the cardio world, coming from the running community, that you should only increase your weekly mileage by 10%. this is stated so as to minimize risk of injury. It translates like so: If you start running, or even walking, one mile a day, seven days/wk, a 10% increase couldRead More
Wt Loss Via Newtonian and Einsteinian Physics
Dear Friends and Family, I may not have told you in this venue, but I will be teaching a one-evening class called Newton’s Laws of Weight Loss through the University School of Nashville Evening Class program. I’ll be taking a look at new science and old in the quest for weight loss to give youRead More
Weight Management/Loss
The age-old debate – less carbs vs less fat – has been undergoing much new study since Dr. Atkins first proposed a low carb diet back when my mom was trying to drop pounds for my bar mitzvah. (Yes, for a couple years there, she was doing that yo yo thing simply to look hotRead More
ACSM Annual Meeting Thoughts
Last week I attended the ACSM annual meeting in beautiful Baltimore. I kid you not; it is a beautiful convention center/inner harbor/down town area with good restaurants – my cousin took me to an Afghani restaurant (owned, incidentally, by pres. Karzai’s brother) – and clubs and things to do and see (like the first GeorgeRead More
More Healthy News
This article discusses research that shows weight loss reduces pro-inflammatory events and substances that contribute to heart disease: What’s cool about the study is that it also demonstrates that fat, your personal body fat, may be a better predictor of how well you’ll lose weight if you have bariatric surgery, but who knows? MaybeRead More
Weight Loss in Older Adults
Traditionally, physicians have been reluctant to encourage older adults – those over 75, for example – to lose weight since studies have shown that older adults who lose weight tend to have unnoticed medical problems. In other words, weight loss that occurs in this population is often due to disease, not desire. A recent studyRead More
The Carb-Fat Dispute Continues
How to best lose weight? Low fat, low carb/hi protein, or low calories? This debate has been ongoing for at least 40 years, maybe longer, but I was too young to care back then. Now I do, and professionally, have been battered about by the various studies showing one or the other as best. TheRead More