Gotta love some of the modern terminology in our field and in medicine’s: obesigenic. I suppose it means ‘that which causes obesity’. Anyway, a very interesting genomics approach to the problem of obesity in America has shown that certain genes associated – not CAUSED – with getting obese are more likely triggered by the environmentRead More
Fitness Blog
The Composting of Exercise
Happy Fourth of July. For those who had the day off and spent it being physically active, socially engaged, relaxing or even working, as I did, I hope you at least got something good from this special day. Being the 240th anniversary of US Independence Day – yes, many other countries have had their dayRead More
Confusing Food Messages, Confusing Food Eaters
What is a ‘diet’? For the most part, a diet is what and how you eat, where the ‘how’ is as critical as the ‘what’. It is not, technically, a pre-packaged plan laid out by either yourself, a dietitian, a trainer, a book author or a TV personality. A diet is more holistic and doesRead More
Diet – Inclusive vs Exclusive…or Both
As per my blog post of June 22, this article says it nicely: it’s not just what you eat but what you don’t eat, too. Now, that may or may not sync perfectly with said post, but it does address one of the features of my earlier post: that ‘diet’ is more than what’s promotedRead More
Don’t Buy Everything You Read on the ‘Net
Not even what I write here. But, at least read what I write when I am reviewing fitness and health literature because sometimes I have something valuable to say. Earlier this month a press release came across the fitness medium espousing the benefits of high-speed contractions during strength exercise compared to slower, more sustained contractions.Read More
Why are Women Getting Fatter Faster than Men?
A scary title about women getting fatter faster than men in the WaPo raises a question that the article itself does not venture to answer: WHY? The article throws around a bunch of statistics and it’s well worth it for the wellness communities to study. Troubling shift in American obesity: Women surge ahead of men,Read More
And the winner is—-EXERCISE!
Not to toot the horn of my profession but studies upon studies demonstrate the benefits of exercise along a wide spectrum of human existence. From arthritis to diabetes to heart disease to cancer, and back again, exercise may be the single, best, cheapest, most convenient, least side-effected ‘drug’ medicine has recently discovered. For those ofRead More
The Vitamin D Complex(ity)
Wouldn’t it be nice if a simple, inexpensive vitamin supplement could solve so many health-related issues? So begins the question at the heart of a review featured in this article: As I’ve written in so many blogs and Facebook posts, vitamin D is either great or relatively inconsequential…and yet some fitness and nutrition expertsRead More
Cancer Cure or Genetic Luck? Exercise’s Correlation With Cancer Prevention
One would hardly expect to hear an exercise professional writing on an exercise and wellness blog question the value and benefits of exercise when it comes to cancer prevention. But, despite the good news from this article – that exercise provides at least a 20% reduction in many cancers’ risk – I like to be realistic here.Read More
We Are All Athletes Here
Everyone Who Does Fitness Training (of whatever sort or intensity) is an Athlete. This article, linked below, inspired me to write out a philosophy of fitness training that I have long espoused, though mostly to continuing education participants attending Exercise ETC (Ft. Lauderdale) conferences. In short…All athletes train for one or more of the followingRead More