For starters, let’s separate the two main arthritises we often conflate. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an auto-immune disease whereby the body mistakenly attacks itself as if the target tissue is an outside threat. In the case of RA, the cartilage which protects the ends of bones that make up a joint get damaged during anRead More
Fitness Blog
Genes, Genomics and Common Sense
Whilst on vacation in Philadelphia visiting my daughter, Sophia, who’s studying at Penn to be a nurse practitioner, this article came to my email address. As usual, with Western science, reductionism grabs the agenda. That is, the search for the gene that makes people gain excess weight drives not just research but also Big Pharma.Read More
Protein supplementation for bigger or stronger muscles?
For many years now, exercise scientists have leapt on the protein wagon when it comes to building bigger and stronger muscles. Especially for those who cannot or do not consume enough high quality protein, the mantra, which derives from studies on athletes, the elderly and those who are hospitalized or being treated for medical conditionsRead More
Wedding Vows Include Extra Calories
An almost-comical truism comes to the forefront once again, with statistics that make you go “Duh!” Men, a recent study shows, and most likely women, gain weight when they marry, after they have kids, and often times lose some weight after divorce. Now don’t get me wrong: statistical analyses are the driving force behind manyRead More
Gadgets of Fitness, Unchained
The advent of microtechnologies has opened up avenues of function, commerce and study that make the old cordless phone an anachronism from the previous century. Whereas making a phone call once tethered you to the wall, today you can hike the Rockies and tell mom in England you’re feet don’t even hurt. In real time!Read More
What You Need to Know About Bum Knees
If there’s one thing I know about the human body, it’s knees. Not that I’m an expert in knees but I have read a lot about, had a few surgeries for, and even replaced a knee . So when this article from the New York Times was brought to my attention, my ears and fingersRead More
Are All Fats Risky?
It has been a while since a research article slapped me – and the rest of the fitness community – in the face. However, today via HealthNews Canal, a site that posts p.r. pieces on research being done worldwide, came out with a headline that bursts – or could burst – a lot of fitnessRead More
ACSM Annual Meeting Brings Nerves to the Forefront
The week of Memorial Day brings not just slow business but also the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine ( This year’s event was in Denver, one of my personal and professional favorite cities. Besides generally pleasant – at least low humidity – weather and lots of sunshine, the mountain scenery isRead More
Tips for Those With Computer-Based Back and Neck Pain
A freelance writer, Sally Keys, has offered me a succinct article on how to manage back and neck pain due to the modern way of work and reading. What with laptops, cell phones and even table top computers ruling and ruining our lives, this may help you take control, not just of your spine butRead More
Heart Disease, Lifestyle Change and Motivation to Do So
What does it take to make you shake it up, to alter your lifestyle in a direction you and your loved ones know has to be done….or else? This rhetorical question is always on the mind of healthcare professionals, from personal trainers to physicians. How can we help you make the small but significant lifestyle changesRead More