Everyone Who Does Fitness Training (of whatever sort or intensity) is an Athlete. This article, linked below, inspired me to write out a philosophy of fitness training that I have long espoused, though mostly to continuing education participants attending Exercise ETC (Ft. Lauderdale) conferences. In short…All athletes train for one or more of the followingRead More
achieve well-being
Why Fitness – and Exercise – Training is STRONGLY Recommended
Of course, you’d expect a fitness specialist, a personal trainer, and an exercise scientist to promote the regularity and consistency of exercise and fitness practices for overall health and well-being. Of course, that’s what I do all day. But sometimes the research is just so damn compelling that not sharing it would be like withholdingRead More
The Tale of a Friend’s Disease
Normally I would not be posting a competitor-trainer’s blog posting when it comes to addressing an injury or disease unless it was something fitness training might help prevent, treat or manage. Not because I fear competition. Rather, it’s because I see this blog site as a source of valuable fitness and wellness information and IRead More
On the Genetics of Fitness and Health
So, a friend/colleague of mine, Linda Melone (LindaMelone.com) is a professional exercise and fitness writer. She often asks my inputs and sometimes my opinions on matters pertaining to fitness and exercise for articles she is commissioned to do or proposing to do for various magazines, paper and on line. A while back she asked forRead More
Reward vs Punishment: How to Get Your People Moving
Here’s a real-world application of behavioral psychology that could change the world, sort of. It may help you, your kids, or your staff/employees achieve a healthy lifestyle habit that will keep them leaner and healthier. And we all know, money talks, bullshit walks, even when it comes to fitness: http://www.healthcanal.com/life-style-fitness/70470-to-encourage-physical-activity-potential-to-lose-a-financial-reward-is-more-effective-than-gaining-one-penn-study-shows.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+healthnewshc%2FOxfp+%28Health+News+from+HealthCanal.com%29
If What You Eat Is Who You Are, Then How You Feel Is Where You Might End Up
We all know, especially those of us getting older, that you’re really only as old as you feel. But the other side of that coin is, the older you feel the sicker you are…or will be. This study demonstrates that those who ‘feel old’ tend to have more hospital visits than those who don’t feelRead More
The Psychology of Lifestyle Change
There’s some good advice in here about designing a structure to support lifestyle change, such as joining Weight Watchers. Then again, while the psychologists have analyzed what and how people fail or succeed in doing so, I’m waiting to read studies that prospectively get folks to have long term success in making lifestyle change. ForRead More
Plan Ahead: How to Create a Wellness Habit
Everyone kind of knows that getting started and keeping going with an exercise, or diet, program is the hardest part. Even though I encourage all newcomers to just start small – like 10 mins/day of walking – or changing one part of one’s daily diet – like cutting back on soft drinks by either eliminatingRead More
My Friend’s Advice
First let me link you to my friend, Linda Melone, a fitness writer in CA. Her blogs are instructive and sometimes even funny. You can follow her here: http://lindamelone.com/how-to-be-a-pro-at-creating-an-ageless-body/ Now the reason I’m posting this one in particular is because it does three things: It does not make you feel guilty ifRead More
New Year’s Fitness Resolutions
It happens every year around this time, as people wallow and wail about their having fallen off the wagon of fitness, diet, and even health: The infamous if not ridiculously self-abnegating New Year’s Resolution to do better this next year. It does not have to be this way, of course, and we all know it.Read More