In many of my blog posts and FB posts, I share the latest thoughts and research on weight management with one primary focus at heart: that keeping weight off is easier than losing it. I have discussed ad nauseam the Mediterranean Diet, low carbs-high protein diets, and the roles exercise of various types – resistanceRead More
Could Fidgeting Lead to Healthier Blood Vessels?
I hope so, because my dad used to ask me at dinner if I was nervous – my leg was always bouncing up and down. But then, as I aged my legs, vein-y and muscular from training and conditioning, started looking like my grandpa’s – vein-y and muscular. And hairless. And they needed some veinRead More
A Dummy’s Guide to the Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Here’s a simple, short and accurate description of the differences between the two types of diabetes. Many are confused about this so it’s worth knowing, and worth understand-ing that Type 1 is a disease of the metabolic system. Usually affecting people younger than 30 – formerly referred to as Juvenile Diabetes because it oftenRead More
Which Comes First – the Excess Weight or a Dysfunctional Immune System?
There is a fairly new and widely-believed current of thought that many lifestyle diseases – heart, metabolic, cancers, even obesity itself – are related to if not caused by excess inflammation. And inflammation is a challenge to the immune system which is supposed to fight it. But what if immune system dysfunction causes obesity orRead More
A Friendlier Way of Saying, Get Off Your Arse!
As we’ve discussed in prior posts, sedentariness is deadly and basic levels of exercise – 30-60 minutes -cannot entirely diminish the effects of a sedentary lifestyle of 8 hours of sitting. In one of my prior REAL News newsletters, I reviewed a study that reported that exercise can’t compensate for inactivity but that substituting activityRead More
Does Chronic Dieting Cause Hunger Signaling to Fail
Many of you know that dieting is a fool’s errand for many of us. We can go for a period of time, usually short enough that it can fit between major holidays or events, and monitor and regulate our diets and even our activities if the goal is deemed worthy….despite the healthiness of that goalRead More
Bone Density vs Bone Quality vs Falling: What Works and How?
If only it were as simple as some people say: Just walk for better health. But that is such a minimalist approach that may not yield even minimal benefits. We tend to believe that walking is enough to protect the heart, reduce the waistline, maintain or even build better bones, and reduce our risk forRead More
Kids, Be Fit; Adults, Earn More
Is it possible that just by being fit as a kid, you can be more financially stable as an adult? So suggests a recent study in the ACSM’s MSSE (July 2016). But there are many ways to earn more as you get older, and weight lifting or running marathons are not high on that list.Read More
The Vitamin D Complex(ity)
Wouldn’t it be nice if a simple, inexpensive vitamin supplement could solve so many health-related issues? So begins the question at the heart of a review featured in this article: As I’ve written in so many blogs and Facebook posts, vitamin D is either great or relatively inconsequential…and yet some fitness and nutrition expertsRead More
A Little Dark Chocolate Helps You Go a Looong Way
Are you an endurance athlete looking for an edge? Would you like a way to get more oxygen to the working muscles, and the heart, that is legal, safe and tasty? Would you believe that dark chocolate, which has already been shown to be beneficial to health if eaten in modest amounts, can enhance oxygenRead More