An internet colleague – someone I met on line via LinkedIn who is a fantastic blogger and an occupational therapist – sent me this blog she’d written on wrist pain. It is well worth sharing here. I don’t have as much knowledge about this critical joint as I should but this article fills in soRead More
Fitness Blog
Is it Calorie-Restriction, Calorie-Reduction…or Weight Loss?
So here’s a title of an article bound to catch your attention, in Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter: “Calorie Restriction May Promote Cognitive Function.” For those of us in our middle, or higher, years (Disclaimer: I’m now 66, and feel in my middle years though most studies would put in me in the elder category),Read More
Fatigue: Not Quite a 3-Way Street
Often times I find myself deflecting clients’ concerns about fatigue during an exercise session, or while they were involved in an activity outside the gym. Barring sleep-related matters that could impact how the body performs any particular activity session. If sleep is not the issue, then, then what is? The way I explain it isRead More
Barefoot Running, Minimalist Shoes – Revisited
I have written many times such as here, here, here, here and here on this topic inspired by different articles and studies, so why not revisit the topic one more time, maybe one last time. So this article from 2010 raises hope that maybe we can summarize the information and move on to the nextRead More
Core Exercise, Part 2: Training the Abs to Do Their Job
In a previous blog, Core Exercise, Part 1: Fad, Fashion or Fundamental?, I proposed that core exercise is not just about training the abs since the core is a more integrated, comprehensive functional unit that simply includes the abs as one element. In Part 2, I want to stress how the abs actually function – notRead More
The Sounds of Obesity
I remember the fad of the record album of my college days that gave potheads- of which I was NOT one (really, ask anyone on my freshman floor) – a mellow thrill: recordings of the humpback whales. Stoned, they’d express youthful ‘wows’ as if the combination of science and THC took them to another level.Read More
Core Exercise, Part 1: Fad, Fashion or Fundamental?
What’s all the fuss about “core”? Too many articles in the lay literature address core as if somehow it’s a brand new thing in fitness. Yet, those articles fail to appreciate the full measure of what core exercise is all about. In fact, they tend to further the image of core by emphasizing the abdominals,Read More
Stem Cell Therapy: Road blocks and Highways
Biologics are the up and coming therapies across many fields of medicine. For lack of better, more technical, definitions, let’s use the simple version of using our own bodies, or other parts of other bodies, to heal our own bodies. Since my main area of interest, and the reason you’re even reading this, is theRead More
On Fatness, Genes and Real Life
A post-New Year article in Bloomberg Opinion addressed a topic that invariably arises in early January, in the US at least: how can I drop the holiday weight I’ve gained? It addressed the issue less from how to lose it than why some gain more of it. The article was based on the research of Dr.MaryRead More
What is ‘Old’ and How Can One Procrastinate Aging?
The answer to the title question, “What is ‘Old’ and How Can One Procrastinate Aging”, is a timeless one. It’s as old as cognition itself. For the next step after old is dead and mankind has been trying to make sense of that once he and she realized he and she existed beyond the bodilyRead More