There is a fairly new and widely-believed current of thought that many lifestyle diseases – heart, metabolic, cancers, even obesity itself – are related to if not caused by excess inflammation. And inflammation is a challenge to the immune system which is supposed to fight it. But what if immune system dysfunction causes obesity orRead More
lose weight
Eat More, Lose More: The Paradox of the Mediterranean Diet
One should never throw all his apples into one basket. In science, some will rot, others will dry up, and a few might taste really good…for now. So when I read a study touting the benefits of the Mediterranean diet not just for health but for weight and fat loss, my eyes perk up. ButRead More
Holy Protein, Batman! Now They’re Saying Lo-Pro is the Way to Go
After years of current research showing that the high-simple carb diets we were encouraged to eat back in the 70s and 80s lead to more obesity, and that we needed to add more (healthy) fats to our diets, and that higher protein might help more people lose weight by controlling both hunger and blood sugar,Read More
To Fast or Not to Fast, Shakespeare Never Bothered to Inquire
To fast or not to fast, that is a dumb question if you enjoy food. But if you’re trying to lose weight, silly ideas start sounding smart. A great study several years ago, on middle aged overweight, hypertensive men split them up into two groups: one at 2500 cals/day in three meals, the others brokeRead More
Diet – Inclusive vs Exclusive…or Both
As per my blog post of June 22, this article says it nicely: it’s not just what you eat but what you don’t eat, too. Now, that may or may not sync perfectly with said post, but it does address one of the features of my earlier post: that ‘diet’ is more than what’s promotedRead More
Sleeplessness Causes Munchies
Anyone who’s ever pulled an all-nighter knows you tend not to eat, or drink, healthy stuff as the night wears on. But even if you don’t intend to stay up all night, if you have insomnia at times or the baby cries out frequently, it’s worth noting that some of the same metabolic events occurRead More
The Psychology of Lifestyle Change
There’s some good advice in here about designing a structure to support lifestyle change, such as joining Weight Watchers. Then again, while the psychologists have analyzed what and how people fail or succeed in doing so, I’m waiting to read studies that prospectively get folks to have long term success in making lifestyle change. ForRead More
Eat Nuts, Reduce Cholesterol, and Prevent Diabetes
How is it possible for one food item – in particular, nut oils – to virtually do what so many drugs portend to do? How can nuts do so much for so little without so much as a side effect other than, oh, say, a little more healthfulness without pharmaceuticals. It would be great ifRead More
Protein Needs Ramp Up as You Slow Down
Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter is a monthly that offers the best and most current nutrition science available. For those who are into alternative health news, especially alternative nutritional guidance, Tufts is the “establishment”. For the rest of us, though, where science is more important than conjecture based on some less-than-ideal reading of the literature,Read More
Part 2: The Science of Weight Loss Just Got Messier
Earlier this summer I wrote about one of the latest three news articles to shake up the summer dieter’s doldrums, an article in the Washington Post about the new federal dietary guidelines that de-emphasizes breakfast. (The Weight Loss Agenda Just Got Messier) Today I wish to tackle the age-old dispute first proffered by Dr. Atkins:Read More