What is a ‘diet’? For the most part, a diet is what and how you eat, where the ‘how’ is as critical as the ‘what’. It is not, technically, a pre-packaged plan laid out by either yourself, a dietitian, a trainer, a book author or a TV personality. A diet is more holistic and doesRead More
physically active
Cancer Cure or Genetic Luck? Exercise’s Correlation With Cancer Prevention
One would hardly expect to hear an exercise professional writing on an exercise and wellness blog question the value and benefits of exercise when it comes to cancer prevention. But, despite the good news from this article – that exercise provides at least a 20% reduction in many cancers’ risk – I like to be realistic here.Read More
A Little Dark Chocolate Helps You Go a Looong Way
Are you an endurance athlete looking for an edge? Would you like a way to get more oxygen to the working muscles, and the heart, that is legal, safe and tasty? Would you believe that dark chocolate, which has already been shown to be beneficial to health if eaten in modest amounts, can enhance oxygenRead More
Physical Activity Does Curb Appetite
Good news: performing physical activity reduces your appetite – for hormonal if not psychological reasons – at least for 9 hours. So it’s worth noting that you might want to engage in activity prior to dinner – like after work – so as to minimize the total calories you consume shortly before bedtime. It mayRead More
Reward vs Punishment: How to Get Your People Moving
Here’s a real-world application of behavioral psychology that could change the world, sort of. It may help you, your kids, or your staff/employees achieve a healthy lifestyle habit that will keep them leaner and healthier. And we all know, money talks, bullshit walks, even when it comes to fitness: http://www.healthcanal.com/life-style-fitness/70470-to-encourage-physical-activity-potential-to-lose-a-financial-reward-is-more-effective-than-gaining-one-penn-study-shows.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+healthnewshc%2FOxfp+%28Health+News+from+HealthCanal.com%29
If What You Eat Is Who You Are, Then How You Feel Is Where You Might End Up
We all know, especially those of us getting older, that you’re really only as old as you feel. But the other side of that coin is, the older you feel the sicker you are…or will be. This study demonstrates that those who ‘feel old’ tend to have more hospital visits than those who don’t feelRead More
Overweight Kids MAY??? Benefit from an Exercise Program
Scientists hate to make hard conclusions when it comes to affirming anything. Thus, they are apt to call for future studies to confirm or dispute their findings. When a fitness program for little kids who are obese claims improvements in areas of fitness if not in body composition, don’t take it with a grain ofRead More
The Psychology of Lifestyle Change
There’s some good advice in here about designing a structure to support lifestyle change, such as joining Weight Watchers. Then again, while the psychologists have analyzed what and how people fail or succeed in doing so, I’m waiting to read studies that prospectively get folks to have long term success in making lifestyle change. ForRead More
My Friend’s Advice
First let me link you to my friend, Linda Melone, a fitness writer in CA. Her blogs are instructive and sometimes even funny. You can follow her here: http://lindamelone.com/how-to-be-a-pro-at-creating-an-ageless-body/ Now the reason I’m posting this one in particular is because it does three things: It does not make you feel guilty ifRead More
Part 3: The Science of Weight Loss Just Got Messier
Can a food manufacturer or grower be faithful to science if it funds the researcher? And vice versa. In Part 3 of a three-part series, I address this latest bit of unsettling news reported in theNew York Times. In my first two posts – Part 1: The Weight Loss Agenda Just Got Messier and Part 2:Read More