So, a friend/colleague of mine, Linda Melone ( is a professional exercise and fitness writer. She often asks my inputs and sometimes my opinions on matters pertaining to fitness and exercise for articles she is commissioned to do or proposing to do for various magazines, paper and on line. A while back she asked forRead More
Fitness Blog
On Thinness, Weight Management, and Stupid Subtitles
A recent study, linked below, addresses the different attitudes and lifestyle choices of those who are thin vs those who are dieting to be thinner, we presume. The study’s press release has a few unaddressed issues I want to address. For example, what are the BMIs of each group? Also, since the subjects all volunteeredRead More
Reward vs Punishment: How to Get Your People Moving
Here’s a real-world application of behavioral psychology that could change the world, sort of. It may help you, your kids, or your staff/employees achieve a healthy lifestyle habit that will keep them leaner and healthier. And we all know, money talks, bullshit walks, even when it comes to fitness:
Processed Meats May Be Deadly
Pretty damning headline, eh? Seems the evidence, as composited by a diet and nutrition task force in the US and now this study, is demonstrating that Subway-style processed meats, even if not served in high calorie dishes/sandwiches, can be damaging to the heart. This study even suggests it can lead to deadlier forms of heartRead More
Big-Time Study Shows Strength Training for Seniors Makes Them Younger
Reported this month in Harvard’s Heart Letter (newsletter), Harvard’s Men’s Health Watch (newsletter) and UCLA’s Healthy Years (for aging-related health newsletter) are the results of a study published in the American Journal of Medicine declaring the value and benefits of resistance training for older adults. Focusing on a 3659-subject cohort from the National Health andRead More
Keeping Kids Healthy Means Keeping Them Moving, Too
Heart disease is still the number one killer of modern, industrialized nations’ people. And many studies have shown the foundation for heart health is established early in childhood, both by the habits and patterns we create as a society or family as well as by those we don’t create – such as a lifestyle ofRead More
How to Preserve Muscle Mass While Losing Fat Mass
What a boring topic, right? I mean, how many news pieces do you have to see on TV or read in mass media to find out what has been touted for at least 20 years now: Do resistance exercise (RT), or weight training, to keep muscles so your metabolism, both as you age as wellRead More
If What You Eat Is Who You Are, Then How You Feel Is Where You Might End Up
We all know, especially those of us getting older, that you’re really only as old as you feel. But the other side of that coin is, the older you feel the sicker you are…or will be. This study demonstrates that those who ‘feel old’ tend to have more hospital visits than those who don’t feelRead More
Eggs – or at Least One Egg – Won’t Kill You
It came out last year or so that eating cholesterol-rich foods ain’t as bad as they once thought. Now this says an egg a day won’t kill you…but the bacon, well, they just don’t know yet:
Overweight Kids MAY??? Benefit from an Exercise Program
Scientists hate to make hard conclusions when it comes to affirming anything. Thus, they are apt to call for future studies to confirm or dispute their findings. When a fitness program for little kids who are obese claims improvements in areas of fitness if not in body composition, don’t take it with a grain ofRead More