July 2018 How Hard Do You Really NEED to Exercise? Many national and international health bodies have determined how much exercise one needs to live a healthy if not longer life. In general, the exercise prescription for health – not athletic fitness or weight loss – is to accumulate 150 minutes of moderate physical activityRead More
REAL News June 2018
June 2018 All You Ever Wanted to Know About Planks but Were Afraid to Ask A brief history of spine pain and therapy takes us through the 1950s when the abdominal curl/crunch was highly recommended by Drs. Kraus and Williams to help those with mechanical low back pain. Then in the 1970s, McKenzie came upRead More
Fit Happens – Spring 2018
Kilimanjaro. The word alone brings to mind the fullRead More
REAL News April 2018
April 2018 New Thoughts on The Body’s Response to Exercise An Australian study published in Cell Metabolism (Jan. 2018) hypothesized that the cells communicate with each other in response to physical activity. Vesicles, tiny protein-filled packages, “contain genetic material and proteins that carry messages to other parts” of the body that all have connections toRead More
REAL News March 2018
March 2018 Potty Talk: FODMAPs & Athletic GI Distress Gastrointestinal distress is relatively common in endurance athletes: 30% – 50% report it. As blood is shunted from the gut to the working muscles during intense training, “acute enterocyte injury, increased intestinal permeability and altered motility” can cause bloating, diarrhea, pain and flatulence. So canRead More
REAL News February 2018
February 2018 The Breakfast Debate, Part XXXX A recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology confirms what your mom told you well before you could read: Eat your breakfast. Previous studies have suggested that breakfasters have lower rates of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and hypertension, as well as better glucoseRead More
REAL News January 2018
January 2018 Low-Carb for Athletes: A Fallacy of Anecdotism? Since the early 1970s, virtually all sports nutrition research has focused on the value and merits of carbohydrate consumption to enhance athletic performance, especially for long distance events. Recently a new concept of training while low on carbs has received some testimonialRead More
Fit Happens – Winter 2017
28 Steps to 28 Years of STEPS This December 11, 2017, marks the 28th year in business for STEPS Fitness. It was originally founded by a college colleague, Kathy Alexander, and I in 1986 as a concept. We opened our first gym in 1989, so that’s what I’d call our start date. Despite the corporateRead More
REAL News – December 2017
Starting January 2017, REAL News will be scaled back to two pages so you’ll have more time to exercise. Shameless Self-Promotion: Personal Training Works!!! Small group personal training isn’t new; it’s just a natural evolutionary shift with the profession of personal training itself. It entails accommodating the needs andRead More
REAL News November 2017
November 2017 Little Blue Pill Helps Some Swimmers, Too A rare swimming disorder that affects only some open-water distance swimmers (military recruits, triathletes) may benefit from the same drug many middle aged men use medicinally and recreationally. SIPE – swimming-induced pulmonary edema – presents as shortness of breath, a cough that has bloody secretions,Read More