February 2016 As If Getting Older Isn’t Bad Enough… You eat right, you get regular check ups, you even floss…but if you are a runner, even a long-term runner, as you age, you lose speed, have increased risk of injuries, and just don’t seem to have that ooomph in your stride you once had. WhyRead More
Real News: January 2016 Creatine Supplements: For Bones, Not Just Muscles
April 2016 Can Creatine Supplementation Boost Bone, Too? What if you could get bigger, stronger, more powerful muscles by adding a supplement to your diet that would also increase bone density? Wouldn’t it be worth a few cents a day? A Canadian study tested whether or not, based on the possibility that creatine supplementation, shownRead More
REAL News March 2016: As If Getting Older Isn’t Bad Enough…
As If Getting Older Isn’t Bad Enough… Part 2 Last month we wrote about a study showing how runners get slower as they age due to weakening calf muscles. This month, as if to remind you you’re getting older and need to start or continue doing regular exercise, we report on a study that measuredRead More
Winter 2015: Why Work Out?
Winter 2015: Why Work Out?
What I(rv) Learned This Summer, Parts I, II, III
What I Learned This Summer: On Fats and Fatness; The Joy of Joint Replacement; How To Recover From Surgery. Also, Rest In Peace, Ted Welch. fithappens.spring.2014
Fall 2013: Thinking or Doing?
Thinking about exercise? The changing face of waist management. News and non-random acts of kindness. fithappens.fall_.13