There’s some good advice in here about designing a structure to support lifestyle change, such as joining Weight Watchers. Then again, while the psychologists have analyzed what and how people fail or succeed in doing so, I’m waiting to read studies that prospectively get folks to have long term success in making lifestyle change. ForRead More
Fitness Blog
Eat Nuts, Reduce Cholesterol, and Prevent Diabetes
How is it possible for one food item – in particular, nut oils – to virtually do what so many drugs portend to do? How can nuts do so much for so little without so much as a side effect other than, oh, say, a little more healthfulness without pharmaceuticals. It would be great ifRead More
Plan Ahead: How to Create a Wellness Habit
Everyone kind of knows that getting started and keeping going with an exercise, or diet, program is the hardest part. Even though I encourage all newcomers to just start small – like 10 mins/day of walking – or changing one part of one’s daily diet – like cutting back on soft drinks by either eliminatingRead More
My Friend’s Advice
First let me link you to my friend, Linda Melone, a fitness writer in CA. Her blogs are instructive and sometimes even funny. You can follow her here: Now the reason I’m posting this one in particular is because it does three things: It does not make you feel guilty ifRead More
Alcohol and Body Weight Don’t Mix Well
Years ago, I read an article in a lay journal about alcohol’s effect on body weight. It mentioned three ways by which drinking alcohol affects weight gain. First, it is a load of empty calories, which means a small amount has a lot of calories that our bodies prefer not to use in a healthfulRead More
New Year’s Fitness Resolutions
It happens every year around this time, as people wallow and wail about their having fallen off the wagon of fitness, diet, and even health: The infamous if not ridiculously self-abnegating New Year’s Resolution to do better this next year. It does not have to be this way, of course, and we all know it.Read More
The Insanity of Insanity
I rarely go off message here on this site. Typically I address a new bit of research or some mythologies of fitness, exercise, diet, or disease. But today, after the 355th mass murder in the US this year, and the advent – sorry, Christians, no intention to link these to Christmas – of Christmas holidays,Read More
Protein Needs Ramp Up as You Slow Down
Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter is a monthly that offers the best and most current nutrition science available. For those who are into alternative health news, especially alternative nutritional guidance, Tufts is the “establishment”. For the rest of us, though, where science is more important than conjecture based on some less-than-ideal reading of the literature,Read More
Part 3: The Science of Weight Loss Just Got Messier
Can a food manufacturer or grower be faithful to science if it funds the researcher? And vice versa. In Part 3 of a three-part series, I address this latest bit of unsettling news reported in theNew York Times. In my first two posts – Part 1: The Weight Loss Agenda Just Got Messier and Part 2:Read More
Sit Your Way to Death
There has been much written over the past five decades on the benefits of exercise to counter the effects of modern, industrial Western society. But only in the past decade or so has much attention been spent looking at the detriments of this modern life we live. That is, the science of sedentariness is onlyRead More