Kilimanjaro. The word alone brings to mind the fullRead More
Fit Happens
Fit Happens – Winter 2017
28 Steps to 28 Years of STEPS This December 11, 2017, marks the 28th year in business for STEPS Fitness. It was originally founded by a college colleague, Kathy Alexander, and I in 1986 as a concept. We opened our first gym in 1989, so that’s what I’d call our start date. Despite the corporateRead More
Fit Happens Summer 2017
Summer 2017 Training Tenets Take Back Seat to Neurological Aging Every so often, a brilliant concept crops up in the exercise field that makes such intuitive sense we trainers just want to slap ourselves with glee. Thus, over the past 20 years or so, balance and agility training for the aging population has offered theRead More
Fit Happens Spring 2017
New Year, New President, New Gym It’s been a 2-year presidential campaign, but last November Americans made their choice and we now have a new president. Like any change, there’s the excitement and fear that accompanies it but when it comes to politics, it’s about evenly split. However, last November brought a change here atRead More
Fit Happens: Winter 2015
Did you ever wonder why an exercise session or any physical activity beyond that which you ordinarily do is called a work out? I did, so I looked it up. Google, my best friend, gave me several options but no clarity. Of course, it all stems from the idea of ‘work’ which, for brevity’sRead More
Fit Happens Summer 2016
Fit Happens Aging Starts….and Ends at the Ankles It is not often that I am willing to take a stand on something as broad and as complex as the aging process. For one thing, at age 63, I’m not quite ready to assert that I’ve even begun the process. Sure, a few aches and painsRead More
Winter 2015: Why Work Out?
Winter 2015: Why Work Out?
What I(rv) Learned This Summer, Parts I, II, III
What I Learned This Summer: On Fats and Fatness; The Joy of Joint Replacement; How To Recover From Surgery. Also, Rest In Peace, Ted Welch. fithappens.spring.2014
Fall 2013: Thinking or Doing?
Thinking about exercise? The changing face of waist management. News and non-random acts of kindness. fithappens.fall_.13