April 2019 How Much Do You Have to Lift to Get Strong…or Big? A study that evaluated the required volume of weight lifting exercises necessary to effect muscle strength and size (hypertrophy) made all the news at the end of 2018. In what might be considered a large study of this type, 45 healthy, youngRead More
strength training
Can Protein Supplementation Facilitate Joint Replacement Success?
In many blog posts and newsletters, I have tried to come to grips with the value and merits of increased protein ingestion. Studies have demonstrated that extra protein helps not just athletes and ‘bodybuilders’ but the elderly, too. In this article, we see that there was probably a benefit for those about to undergo andRead More
Fit Happens – Fall 2018
Fall 2018 October 16, 1968. The Mexico City Summer Olympics,Read More
Designing Your Own Workout…May Require a Pro
I wish DIY was applicable in all aspects of life. As a client told me the other day, when confronted by a minor repair of his toilet a few years back, he considered DIY. His son, a wise young man, suggested that, buying a $1 item to do the repair in order to avoid aRead More
REAL News August 2018
August 2018 Resistance Training, Blood Pressure & Sleep High blood pressure (HBP) is one of the most prevalent cardiovascular diseases in the US with estimates of 25% of Americans having it. HBP has recently been defined as a systolic (top) number above 130 mmHg and a diastolic (bottom) number above 90. Ideal is 120/80 orRead More
Of Mice and Men: Exercise boosts neurogenerative systems
Aging happens over time, and with it comes many changes to the mind and body. I know it sounds tautological and mundanely simplistic, but science is still investigating what and why things deteriorate as we age. While most of age-related research is on diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc, the one that mayRead More
Pump You UP: The HIIT Weight Training Method
Seems there’s no end in sight of research studies and lay articles on HIIT – high intensity interval training. Ever since the new century unfolded, nothing this explosive – other than 9/11, non-existent WMDs, the Great Recession, and Trump’s election – has made such an intrusion into the daily lives of so many. For thoseRead More
REAL News August 2017
August 2017 Intelligent Training for Painful Muscles Believe it or not, scientists are still not sure what exactly causes musculoskeletal pain (MSP) from chronic use, overuse or abuse. A couple of Danish researchers propose a model that attempts to explain the source of such pains as are typically seen inRead More
Protein supplementation for bigger or stronger muscles?
For many years now, exercise scientists have leapt on the protein wagon when it comes to building bigger and stronger muscles. Especially for those who cannot or do not consume enough high quality protein, the mantra, which derives from studies on athletes, the elderly and those who are hospitalized or being treated for medical conditionsRead More
The Step-In Lunge & Row
What a blog title that is, right? Last week, out of the blue, a trainer from Canada, Olivier Poirier-Leroy, contacted me after seeing the STEPS Fitness website and asked if I would put together a small essay on one of my favorite exercises. Having already video’d my daughter for a different purpose, I quickly composedRead More