Spring 2025 Exercise Certainty in Uncertain Times To understand a scientific article, you need to appreciate the distinction between correlation and causation. Correlation means that two events tend to occur together. As a co-relationship, something could explain part of the answer – larger muscles are stronger muscles – but not explain all of it. StrongerRead More
strength training
Part 2: If you’re doing GLP-1 meds for weight loss, then you gotta do Weight Lifting
GLP-1’s are proving themselves as medical phenoms. They have been in existence for many years in the treatment of diabetes. They have demonstrated themselves as capable of reducing cardiac events, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, heart failure symptoms, and even strokes. They have shown themselves effective in reducing the kidney problems that diabetes can cause inRead More
REAL News – May 2024
May 2024 Hypertrophy and Strength Gains After 75 A study out of Chile aimed to find out if old-old (>85) get similar strength and muscle growth as young-old – that is, 65-75 – from a similar resistance training (RT) program. Knowing that muscle size diminishes with age – called sarcopenia – and that size isRead More
REAL News – October 2023
October 2023 The Weakening of Menopause: Another Insult Sarcopenia is the loss of lean muscle mass (LMM) that takes place as we age even if you do muscle-building exercises. Women are more apt to suffer the long-term effects of sarcopenia after menopause: reduced metabolism, greater risk of LMM-associated disability such as bone loss, fractures, moreRead More
REAL News – July 2020
July 2020 Personal Training & Gym Convenience = Better Fitness Workplace fitness centers offer otherwise-sedentary employees an on-site option by which to develop and maintain exercise-based fitness. Encouraging staff to take advantage of the facilities and services, however, is the first challenge. One idea that should be considered is more personalized supervision to provideRead More
Feet: From the Ground Up
For a few years, while she was establishing herself as a neuromuscular expert on feet, Dr. Emily Splichal, a NYC podiatrist, was a source of highly technical yet superbly functional webinars (this is but one link on youtube) on the foot. I would strongly recommend them to anyone who works with athletes prone to footRead More
REAL News – March 2020
March 2020 Multi-Dimensional Balance Training Beats Strength Alone Preventing falls among older adults is a health-care crisis of economic, quality of life (QoL) and morbidity dimensions. With nearly 60% of those over 65 reporting limited mobility and the high rates of falling in this group, exercise researchers are attempting to discern what type ofRead More
Fit Happens – Winter 2019
Winter – or 30th Anniversary – 2019 Pillar 1: The Winter of Our Discontent In the summer of 1986, my colleague, Kathy Alexander, and I wondered what we would do once we finished our dissertations in exercise science at Vandy. At the time, there were very few options in that field: academia, hospital-based wellness andRead More